Benefits of NAGLAZYME® (galsulfase)
In MPS VI, the buildup of GAGs can lead to entire organs or bodily systems being harmed. Normalizing GAG levels may help to slow the decline associated with this condition. NAGLAZYME® (galsulfase) provides the missing enzyme in MPS VI so that cells can break down and reduce the buildup of GAGs.
If left untreated, individuals with MPS VI can develop severe complications that can lead to physical difficulties, including:
- Reduced endurance or walking distance
- Difficulty breathing
Endurance is an important measure in people with MPS VI because it can show how well your heart, lung, and musculoskeletal systems are working together. MPS VI experts recommend using timed walking and stair-climbing tests to assess endurance.
Quick improvement with NAGLAZYME
In the 6-month primary study, individuals taking NAGLAZYME on a weekly basis significantly improved their endurance and reduced uGAG levels.
Improved endurance
On average, individuals taking NAGLAZYME experienced a 23% improvement in walking distancea and a 38% improvement in stair-climbing.
aResults were taken from the 6-minute time point of the 12-minute walk test.
Reduced uGAGs
Regardless of their state of MPS VI progression, patients treated with NAGLAZYME showed an average 75% reduction in uGAG levels.
Weekly infusions lead to long-lasting improvement
According to a 10-year follow up study, we now know the benefits of NAGLAZYME can be maintained over the long-term and are consistent with the results of the primary study. This study examined endurance, lung function, and uGAG levels in patients who had been taking NAGLAZYME for up to 10 years (the average time on NAGLAZYME therapy was 6.8 years).
Improved endurance
Results from the long-term follow-up study demonstrated that individuals who were on NAGLAZYME long-term continued to experience a 21% increase in walking distance.b
bResults from the 6-minute walk test.
Helped lungs work better
Continued treatment with NAGLAZYME has been shown to improve lung function in people with MPS VI, which can make breathing easier.
Reduced uGAGs
Long-term adherence to NAGLAZYME treatment showed sustained reduction in uGAG levels that were 87.9% lower than at baseline.
If you would like to learn more about NAGLAZYME clinical studies, talk to your doctor or contact BioMarin RareConnections™.
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